Boost your Training effect

mySASY offers a complete diagnosis of your body

How it works
mySASY is based on the latest technology and scientific observations
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The benefits of mySASY
Modul myTraining
The Modul is an integral part of all mySASY programs. Thanks to our own algorithmic interconnection of training data with mySASY measurements you will have key information for training management after the first 10 measured and recorded activities.
Optimal workload
What is the optimal workload for the next training unit? We will calculate it for you and you will be able to adjust the intensity with a slider, determining the duration of the training.
Results vs Potential
Your real long term training potential compared to the effect of the current training regime.
Choose a program and
Get an overview of your performance
Basic + | Sport | |
My HRV graph
an overview of the adaptive capacity and condition of the organism
an overview of the adaptive capacity and condition of the organism
Compensation levels
go hard or go rest?
The compensation level helps you plan the appropriate regime for your following training load. The value is based on a comprehensive comparison of your current measurement with the results of previous measurements, with the so-called individual spectral profile.
Functional age
organism's real age
Proper training will help you to rejuvenate. We'll show you how to do this and how to document it. Thanks to the functional age you can see your condition at first glance. After proper training, you get a little older. After that, proper regeneration will cause the desired rejuvenation.
Modul myTraining
evaluation of the real training effect
This module allows you to upload your training data and link it to the measurement results of mySASY (your body's condition). You can enter training data manually using subjectively perceived load and time (RPE parameter), using TSS units (Training Peaks system), or use the automatic connection to the Strava application (Relative Effort parameter).
New ~4 minute measurement
Thanks to advanced artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art mathematical calculations from Gauss Algorithmic we were able to shorten the time of standard mySASY measurement from 15 minutes to approximately 3-5 minutes.
Unlimited mySASY profiles
The mySASY profile will show you how the body resists central fatigue and responds to stress. How fast or slow it can regenerate. Within the mySASY profil we tell you if you are Talent, Threat, Holder or Classic. We also monitor your long-term ability to resist central fatigue and to adapt to training load.
Unlimited number of results on display
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Coach account connectivity
Coach account connectivity
Data export
Possibility to download detailed parameters of heart rate variability for your further use
mySASY chat
Once a week a guaranteed response within 48 hours from mySASY expert
What you need
Functionality verified in a scientific study
The main basis was data from hundreds of thousands of measurements and an AI model that would perform an analytical calculation. A single professional analyst would have to work for 3 years without interruption to get to the same result. At Gauss Algorithmic, they tested various approaches, including recurrent neural networks, and finally chose the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBRT)
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The main basis was data from hundreds of thousands of measurements and an AI model that will perform an analytical calculation at one point